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Archive - News

  • 11/19/2022
    slackupdr-3.6.3 Release

    This is the November 2022 release (v3.6.3) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 10/07/2022
    slackupdr-3.6.2 Release

    This is the October 2022 release (v3.6.2) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 09/16/2022
    slackupdr-3.6.1 Release

    This is the September 2022 release (v3.6.1) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 08/14/2022
    slackupdr-3.6 Release

    This is the August 2022 release (v3.6) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 07/26/2022
    slackupdr-3.5 Release

    This is the July 2022 release (v3.5) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 06/07/2022
    slackupdr-3.4 Release

    This is the June 2022 release (v3.4) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages autoslackpkg plus kernel & config tools.

  • 04/03/2022
    slackupdr-3.3 Release - Initial SlackBuild Submission

    This is the April 2022 release (v3.3) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. This is also the initial SlackBuild package submission. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages the slackpkg package manager, manages multiple kernels & updates bootloaders.

  • 10/10/2021
    slackupdr-3.2 Release

    This is the November 2021 release (v3.2) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages the slackpkg package manager, manages multiple kernels & updates bootloaders.

  • 10/03/2021
    slackupdr-3.1 Release

    This is the October 2021 release (v3.1) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages the slackpkg package manager, manages multiple kernels & updates bootloaders.

  • 08/06/2021
    slackupdr-3.0 Initial Release

    This is the August 2021 initial release (v3.0) of slackupdr, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. slackupdr is a "Slackware Updater" that leverages the slackpkg package manager and adds multi-kernel installation.

  • 07/01/2021
    autoslackpkg-2.1 Update Release

    This is the July 2021 release (v2.1) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 06/14/2021
    autoslackpkg-2.0 MAJOR REVISION Release

    This is the 1st major revision release (v2.0) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 09/06/2020
    autoslackpkg-1.1 Update Release

    This is the 6th update release (v1.1) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 02/07/2020
    autoslackpkg-1.0 Update Release

    This is the 5th update release (v1.0) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 01/12/2020
    autoslackpkg-0.9 Update Release

    This is the 4th update release (v0.9) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 11/23/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.8 Update Release

    This is the 3rd update release (v0.8) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 10/12/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.7 Update Release

    This is the 2nd update release (v0.7) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 09/26/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.6 Update Release

    This is the 1st update release (v0.6) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 09/13/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.5 Official Release

    This is the official release (v0.5) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 08/26/2019
    Clean Package Logs on Slackware

    A script to clean up package logs on Slackware.

  • 08/24/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.4 RC1 Released

    This is release candidate 1 (v0.4) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 08/16/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.3 BETA 2 Released

    This is a beta release (v0.3) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 08/05/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.2 BETA 1 Released

    This is a beta release (v0.2) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 08/02/2019
    autoslackpkg-0.1 ALPHA Released

    This is the initial alpha release (v0.1) of autoslackpkg, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. autoslackpkg automates the use of slackpkg.

  • 07/18/2018
    Contributions to SlackBuilds.org Over the Years

    Go4it2day has been actively involved in supporting Slackware over the years. Here is a list of SlackBuild.org contributions to the Slackware community.

  • 05/22/2018
    ClockChimes-0.3 Released

    This is the 2nd update (v0.3) of ClockChimes, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. It creates a cron job that runs a sox based bash script.

  • 05/12/2018
    ClockChimes-0.2 Released

    This is the 1st update (v0.2) of ClockChimes, a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. It creates a cron job that runs a sox based bash script.

  • 05/04/2018
    go4it2day.com Migrated to Grav CMS

    go4it2day.com migrated to Grav CMS. More than just a static web site generator.

  • 04/23/2018
    tm - tmux manager/helper

    "tm" is a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. It's a shell script used to ease day-to-day work with tmux.

  • 03/27/2018
    ClockChimes-0.1 Released

    ClockChimes is a SlackBuild package for Slackware Linux. It creates a cron job that runs a sox based bash script.

  • 07/06/2017
    Migrated to Unprivileged LXC

    LXC is now running as root owned unprivileged containers.

  • 06/21/2017
    Chroot Jekyll Users

    Chroot user and enable server based Jekyll processing.

  • 05/25/2017
    ssmbox.net Powered by Jekyll

    Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.

  • 05/24/2017
    intergaldesigngroup.com Powered by Jekyll

    Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.

  • 05/23/2017
    go4it2day.com Powered by Jekyll

    Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.